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Online verfügbare Texte:

Die Reihe „Materialienband –  Facetten feministischer Theoriebildung“ (1987-2002) kann hier eingesehen werden: http://www.frauenschule.de/


Zentrum für Geschlechterstudien / Gender Studies der Universität Paderborn: https://kw.uni-paderborn.de/gender-studien/

Sektion Frauen- und Geschlechterforschung in der DGfE: http://www.dgfe.de/sektionen-kommissionen/sektion-11-frauen-und-geschlechterforschung-in-der-erziehungswissenschaft.html

Netzwerk Frauen- und Geschlechterforschung NRW: https://www.netzwerk-fgf.nrw.de/start-netzwerk/

CEWS Kompetenzzentrum Frauen in Wissenschaft und Forschung: https://www.gesis.org/cews/cews-home/


biographical notes

For quite some time now I have concerned myself with gender-relations theory and the meaning and transmission of gender images. I have my doctorate in sociology and my habilitation in educational science – both dealing with gender-related questions. After years working in a feminist educational project I was a guest and/or proxy professor at the universities of Frankfurt, Salzburg, Halle and Cologne, and from 2008-2018 full professor for pedagogy and gender research at the university of Paderborn. My books and articles deal with gender-relations theory and with the field of pedagogy.


The Meaning of Difference: The Effects of Gender Relations on Individuals and Social Structures

My main concern in this lecture is to show why our society’s gender order should still be of theoretical and political interest—and that it has a central role to play in establishing an individual’s identity as well as for a culture’s mind-set and the political order.